Tuesday 13 February 2007

a dream

...this immortal human soul is endowed with two means of perception: One is effected through instrumentality; the other, independently. For instance, the soul sees through the instrumentality of the eye, hears with the ear, smells through the nostrils and grasps objects with the hands. These are actions or operations of the soul through instruments. But in the world of dreams the soul sees when the eyes are closed. The man is seemingly dead, lies there as dead; the ears do not hear, yet he hears. The body lies there, but he - that is, the soul - travels, sees, observes... Itoften happens that a man in a state of wakefulness has not been able to accomplish the solution of a problem, and when he goes to sleep, he will reach that solution in a dream. How often it has happened that he has dreamed, even as the prophets have dreamed, of the future; and events which have thus been foreshadowed have come to pass literally." ('Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 416)

It is a gift to know that there is a host of holy souls just waiting to be called into action to assist us.
There is an interesting dream in the book "Tristan" on page 184 by Suzanne Schuurman.

Tristan was born physically and mentally disabled and through his ability to understand and accept his limitations and sufferings, he became spiritually adept. He was born in Iqualuit, Northwest Territories, Canada."I was in the other worlds of God and one of the heavenly host was showing me around what looked like a celestial control center. There were big monitor screens on tables at which sat an angel, or heavenly being. Each screen monitored a person on earth who was that angel's particular responsibility.
The singular thing about the screen was that it showed only good deeds, altruistic conduct, self-sacrifice and the like. Some of the angels were obviously bored sitting before totally blank screens. On some screens, however, there was so much activity that other heavenly beings, who were not busy, came to look and consult about the next course of action.

The conversation I overheard went something like this:

‘Look at that wonderful reaction!
'‘Do you think they are ready for the next test?
'‘They have just had a real dilly!'
‘Well, it's "my soul" and I think it can handle it.
After all, the more it learns the better.
Are you forgetting that there is a time limit here?'
The next test would be sent down and several angels would gather at the console to watch the soul's response and progress.
‘Beautiful! I knew it could do it!"

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