Wednesday 14 February 2007


( A reader asked these questions to Dr. Saunders, Georgia, U.S. and suggested that others may have similar questions. This Tablet to a Physician by Baha'u'llah was printed in the May, 1998 issue.)

(Reader) I was reading the Tablet to a Physician by Baha'u'llah, the unauthorized translation, and had some questions. I'm trying to change my diet, and would like to understand better this Tablet. When Baha'u'llah says "If two diametrically opposite foods are put on the table do not mix them"; what do you think "diametrically opposite foods" means?

Dr Saunders (Dr.) Since it is the word of God, it can have infinite meanings. In an explanatory Tablet (untranslated) Baha'u'llah gives an example that if two heavy foods were given to a person with a weak constitution they may be incompatible, that is, too strong for his weak constitution, therefore two foods which disagree with an individual's constitution are incompatible.

(Reader) It would be so nice if there was a list of "diametrically opposite foods"?
(Dr.) Baha'u'llah's writings give universal guidance and lay down principles which can be applied in infinitely many different ways to suit each individual's needs. Detailed instructions place limitations upon individual choices. There is no list of diametrically opposite foods because it is dependent upon the constitution of the patient and should be determined for each individual under the supervision of a physician skilled in this science.

(Reader) Also, when He says "The compounding of one food with another is a danger of which you must beware", is this the same meaning as the above "diametrically opposite foods" or what exactly does this mean?

(Dr.) It is very closely related. The principles are moderation and simplicity. In the Kitab-i-Badi, Baha'u'llah states: "In all circumstances they should conduct themselves with moderation; if the meal be only one course this is more pleasing in the sight of God; however, according to their means, they should seek to have this single dish be of good quality." (Complied by the Universal House of Justice, "Health and Healing", p. 2)

(Reader) What is "one food"?

(Dr.) Could be a single dish, course, or edible substance.

(Reader) I've heard that we should not drink water during or right after a meal. Have you heard this? It's interesting because Baha'u'llah says "Take first liquid food before partaking of solid food." Do you think He meantfor all the meals we should take something liquid first?

(Dr.) No, He does not state that something liquid should be eaten at each meal.
He is giving the order in which food is to be eaten. The literal translation of this passage is that light food is to be eaten before heavy food, and liquid food before solid. He does not state that water should not be taken before the meal.

(Reader) Do you think water counts? Or are we not to drink water during meals?
(Dr.) Water is a very special substance, and is probably not the same as food, and certainly not the same as liquid food, including juices and beverages

(Reader) And "Do not drink after you have retired to sleep". I'm assuming that we can't drink if we've fallen asleep, so does He mean a certain amount of time before we actually lay down? Like once we start getting ready for bed?

(Dr.) This is not clearly stated in the Tablet, leaving the individual free to apply it to suit his individual needs.

(Reader) When He says "The main thing is to cleanse the body of its wastes", what does that mean? Fasting? Or some other methods?

(Dr.) Could have many meanings. The original word in Arabic is related to "enema", opening the possibility of cleansing by enemas or colonic irrigation. This is an area for further investigation.

(Reader) Finally, when He says "for the primary substance will remain in its pristine purity and no change will occur in the normal proportion of one-sixth, and one-sixth of one sixth, and the twin active agents (qualities, properties) and the twin passive agents will remain intact." What does that mean? Is the "substance" the food, or the body? What are the two passive agents?

(Dr.) A much deeper subject, cannot be adequately answered at present, this refers to the older science of medicine and the "four elements" represented in the body as black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm. Requires extensive study and investigation now and in the future.

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