Thursday 17 May 2007

The Easiest Way on Earth to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Chinese physicians have long used celery to dependably reduce blood pressure.
Now scientists have discovered exactly why it works so well. Celery contains a unique oil that relaxes the muscles that regulate blood pressure, improving flow, and lowering pressure. Just 4 stalks a day (or some celery juice) does the trick.

In PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES you'll see that high blood pressure is one of the easiest problems to treat with simple and safe natural remedies. If you want to avoid the side effects many people experience with high blood pressure drugs, Dr. Mindell tells you what you need to know.
For example...
Drug companies and physicians will tell you the side effects of these high blood pressure drugs are "mild." Yet they have been known to cause depression and have other serious consequences. See page 122.
Drugs for high blood pressure that can actually cause congestive heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. Page 123
Two high blood pressure drugs with a frightening side effect: Missing a single dose (which most people do now and then) can kill you. Pages 132–133
The water cure for high blood pressure. Safe. Simple. Easy. On page 140.
Why a doctor must prescribe blood pressure medication—even if you're only slightly above normal. Page 112
And to protect your heart, knowledge is your most important weapon: You need to know how different heart drugs work... their side effects... how to protect yourself if you take them... and if there are any prescription or natural alternatives that may be better for you.
Cholesterol-lowering drugs that actually increase your chances of a heart attack. Full story on page 94.
If you have a heart attack, request a megadose of this heart-rescuing mineral immediately. Page 95
This tea lowers your bad cholesterol and triglycerides, raises good cholesterol, and makes blood less prone to deadly clots. Page 99
Four diseases that can cause false high cholesterol readings (and heart disease isn't one of them). Page 142
Two huge studies verify that the vitamin on page 99 slashes heart disease risk by 40%. Yet most seniors get less than even the puny "recommended daily allowance."
Pills that combine different types of heart drugs may seem like a good idea—but page 103 reveals why you should avoid them like the plague.
Why eating meat probably won't raise your cholesterol levels. Get the facts on page 144.
The dangers of using aspirin to prevent heart disease. Instead, Dr. Mindell describes 2 natural supplements that will do your heart a world of good—without aspirin's risk of a bleeding ulcer. Page 250
Common Over-the-Counter Drug MakesPrescription Drugs Suddenly Stop Working
If your prescription suddenly stops working, don't panic. Just check your antacid.
H2-blockers such as cimetidine (Tagamet®), sold over the counter for heartburn, can affect the action of many other drugs. In some cases, they can render them completely ineffective.
Many prescription and nonprescription drugs—as well as food and lifestyle factors—can decrease (or, just as dangerous, increase) the action of prescription drugs.
That's why, for hundreds of today's most popular drugs, Dr. Mindell would like to tell you about the hidden side effects and interactions you may not hear from the drug companies or your doctor.
How eating a sandwich can cause you to overdose—or under-dose—on a drug. Page 41
Drugs that cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Can lead to heart disease, bone loss, or worse. Pages 41–42
A very important precaution if you take prescription drugs and any type of fiber, such as psyllium or Metamucil®. Page 44
The 2 things you must do before taking any prescription drug. Page 47
Are Prescription Drugs Causing Your Headaches?
Did you know that prescription drugs are the single most common cause of headaches in older people? And you're especially at risk if you take multiple medications.
What can you do? Check PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES to see if headache is a side effect of any drug you're taking. Then, check for alternative drugs—or natural remedies—you could use instead.
For example:
This mineral supplement has been called the "magic bullet" for headaches. Page 271
Herb on page 265 is not only the most effective treatment known for migraines—it's the only one with no side effects.
How migraines were successfully eliminated in 8 out of 10 cases—without drugs, herbs, or supplements. Page 247
Feel a headache coming on? Just grab a quick... (continued on page 272)
How Sunlight Can Make Your Pain Medicine Much More Effective
When you're in pain, you just want relief—fast. But prescription pain relievers can be dangerous and addictive. Now here's some information that sheds new light on the problem.
A recent hospital study3 found that patients in sunnier rooms needed fewer painkillers than patients in darker rooms. In fact, they were able to cut their drug costs by 21%.
Can't get outside? "Full-spectrum" bulbs may well have the same effect.
Whether you deal with occasional or chronic pain, you'll find that PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES is your indispensable guide to the greatest relief—with the fewest possible drugs.
For example...
Stop back pain by fixing emotional hurt? Sounds crazy, but it works. See page 248.
How anyone can use awareness and relaxation as an extraordinarily potent painkilling combination. Page 266
These 2 amino acids trigger your body to unleash its own natural painkilling endorphins. Great for chronic arthritis and back pain. Page 264
Why aspirin and other over-the-counter pain relievers may be keeping you awake at night. Page 245
Surprising early warning signs of physical addiction on prescription pain relievers and other drugs. Must-know symptoms on page 27.
Over 50? Chances Are You're Taking Too Much(Or Too Little) of Your Prescription Drug
Most drug testing is done on healthy adult men between ages 25 and 50.
If that's you, no problem. But if you're older, female, or not in great health, your body is likely to process drugs very differently.
Nevertheless, you're going to get the standard dose for a healthy, adult male. Dr. Mindell is very concerned that this could mean you're getting too little of the drugs you need. Or too much, which is the main reason for adverse drug side effects.
He feels it's important that you know for yourself the many factors—including other drugs, foods, and health problems—that can cause your body to absorb too much or too little of a drug.
It's just one more reason why, if you're on any medications at all, you need to click here for your free 30-day preview of PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES.
Don't miss...
Prescription drugs that can cause you to be mistakenly put into a nursing home! Happens every year to thousands of seniors, because even most doctors don't know the facts on page 47.
How what you eat for breakfast can give you a drug overdose. See page 36.
How to safely throw away many of the medications you're now taking—without compromising your health one bit. Pages 78–79
Common pain reliever, promoted as harmless, is extremely hard on your liver. Just avoid it—especially with alcohol. Page 248
Surprising news for upset stomachs...Heartburn and Acid Reflux Are Rarely Caused byToo Much Stomach Acid!
That's why antacids may only make your problems worse. Instead, try this simple test and you could fix your stomach problems on the spot!
It's a fact: Stomach acid decreases with age. As a teenager, you pump out 3½ times more acid than you do in your 60s. Yet when have you ever heard of a teen with indigestion?
You won't hear this from those who make money helping you produce less acid, but most digestive problems are usually caused by too little acid—not too much. Food stays undigested for too long, causing stomach upset. When it gets pushed up into the delicate esophagus, it causes your heartburn.
A test that can cure you
To see if your digestive problems are caused by too little acid, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before you eat. (This stimulates acid production.)
If that doesn't help, get a common acid supplement called betaine hydrochloride (HCI). Take the recommended dose with your meals. (But not if you have an active ulcer.)
If either method improves your symptoms, your problem was too little acid. Just continue as needed. Forget those antacids and get your doctor to take you off acid blockers.
Remember: Low acid doesn't just affect your digestion. When food isn't digested properly, vitamins and nutrients aren't absorbed, leaving you open to a host of degenerative and other diseases.
With digestive problems, it's easy to get in a vicious circle of drugs, side effects, and more drugs to treat the side effects.
Instead, let Dr. Mindell and PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES be your guide to what the drug companies (who make billions on acid suppression) don't want you to know about how your body really works... how drugs affect it... and all the safer, less costly options open to you.
Here's just a sample...
The over-the-counter drugs that cause one-third of all ulcers. Page 164
The banana cure for ulcers. But it only works if you eat them as described on page 186.
These drugs, commonly prescribed to treat ulcers and heartburn, can cause parts of your stomach to become inflamed and die. Page 173
How taking antacids can actually cause you to have too much acid. Page 178
The little-known vitamins that prevent colon cancer. Page 168
Most physicians can offer no real cure for chronic digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn's disease. Yet a certain type of doctor has been reversing these conditions with a simple, drug-free cure. Details on page 166.
Diabetes-Ravaged Nerves and PancreasHealed with Natural Remedies
Complications are what make diabetes so terrible: Blindness... heart attack... limb numbness... amputation. Medical science can't control these. But natural remedies can.
Now an herb called gymnema sylvestre has been shown to heal diabetes-damaged pancreas cells (full details on page 359).
And in an eye-opening study, diabetes patients given primrose oil miraculously saw their nerve function improve. (Those given a placebo instead got worse.)
If you or someone you love has diabetes, please don't resign yourself to a lifetime of gradual deterioration and the side effects of diabetes drugs (virtually all have side effects, and eventually stop working over time). Instead, discover your many alternatives for controlling and reversing this deadly disease:
Plant from the Philippines mimics the glucose-transporting effects of insulin. Page 360
Your chances of getting diabetes increase fourfold if you're low in this important vitamin. Page 358
High blood sugar levels plunged 80% to 90% when patients took this readily available mineral supplement. Page 357
If you're diabetic and concerned about your vision, you must take the 2 supplements on page 386.
Great news for flu season...The Backyard Herb That's Better Than a Flu Shot
Studies show it boosts flu-fighting antibodies and actuallydisarms the flu virus.
If flu shots are ever in short supply again, don’t panic. Now there’s something even better—something you should know about whether you get a flu shot or not.
The backyard herb elderberry has been used as a folk remedy for flu, colds, and coughs since ancient times.
Very bad news for colds and flus
More recently, results of a study saw flu sufferers recover in record time. The researchers found that elderberry literally disarmed the flu virus—so it’s unable to penetrate cell walls.
Those who took elderberry were also found to have higher levels of flu-fighting antibodies, indicating a stronger immune system and less chance of getting the flu in the first place.
What’s more, elderberry has shown great promise combating other viruses, including AIDS, herpes, and Epstein-Barr.
In PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES, Dr. Mindell shows you how to use drugs more safely and more effectively. But because drugs are so often dangerous or ineffective, he’ll also give you a host of supersafe, supereffective, natural germ fighters.
Be sure to find out...
Why 98% of prescriptions for antibiotics are completely unnecessary. Plus... what you should insist your doctor does before prescribing one (incredibly, most don't). Page 280
How to make germs feel positively unwelcome in your body. Page 301
If you do get another flu shot... see page 239 for a secret way to turbocharge its virus-killing power.
During cold and flu season, consuming the 2 substances on page 302 can cut your resistance in half.
This fruit seed extract knocks out colds and infections. Great for urinary tract problems. Page 303
Rinse away a sinus infection. Page 302
Cure a toenail infection with garlic, vinegar, and... (See page 306.)
This common over-the-counter remedy can reduce an antibiotic's effectiveness by up to 90%! Page 280
The truth about "antibacterial" cleaners: They create an ideal environment for dangerous resistant bacteria. For what to do instead, see page 301.
There's nothing like vitamin C for fighting infections and viruses. But it works even better when combined with the nutrient on page 302.
Eskimos, while they lived in subzero temperatures, never caught colds—until the change in their diet you'll read about on page 235.
Plain Water Can Halt an Allergy or Asthma AttackAlmost Instantly
Your allergies or asthma may simply be your body's way of telling you it's thirsty!
When you're dehydrated (you could be and not know it), your body tries to compensate by releasing histamines, which constrict blood flow and reduce your need for water.
But these same histamines also trigger asthma and allergies. And long-term dehydration makes your immune system react even more strongly.
So the next time you have an attack, instead of drugs, try 3 or 4 glasses of water. It could stop your reaction almost instantly. (And be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.)
More ways to breathe easier from PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES...
How allergy medications can make allergy symptoms worse. Page 197
Keeping a house "spic-and-span" can trigger a lifetime of allergies in young children. Surprising, but true. Page 196
For many people, just removing this common food coloring from their diet eliminates allergy problems. Page 230
Cure asthma by yelling? Sounds crazy, but it works. Details on page 232.
Nature's own antihistamine. Great for your overall health, too—and no drowsiness. Page 230
Your Complete Home Reference Guide to the Hidden Side Effects of Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs
Good as your doctor is, he or she simply can't possibly know everything about the side effects of the over-the-counter and prescription drugs you take.
And even if he or she did, they couldn't explain it to you before the next patient must be rushed in.
PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES always has time to give you the facts you need. In addition to revealing side effects in plain English, it tells you how to head off, avoid, or counteract them.
For example...
If you use an asthma inhaler, there are 2 things you must do for optimum effectiveness and to avoid a life-threatening attack. Page 200
If you take virtually any prescription or over-the-counter drug, the liver-protecting supplement on page 38 should be in your medicine cabinet.
Most eyedrops contain a preservative that can actually make dry eyes drier! Instead, use the type of drops described on page 372.
If you're taking asthma drugs, lay off the hot sauce and barbecue. Reason why on page 48.
Do you take laxatives? Then you're being drained of water, along with 2 vital minerals. Problem solved with plenty of liquids, and the supplement on page 183.
If you must take antacids or acid-blocking drugs, you must take this essential B vitamin. You can't absorb enough of it in a low-acid environment, and a deficiency can cause serious health problems. Page 169
Every year, thousands damage their kidneys or liver—or die—by overdosing on acetaminophen (Tylenol). Don't use pain relievers? Page 244 reveals why you're still not safe.
What you must do if you take antibiotics to avoid fatigue, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, skin problems, headaches, mental fogginess, achy joints, and allergies. Page 300
Antacids and H2-blockers such as Tagamet and Zantac® do more than get rid of acid—they rob your bones of much-needed calcium. Page 429
All-Natural "Miracle Cream"Makes Estrogen Replacement Obsolete
While the debate rages about the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a little-known cream is quietly making further debate unnecessary.
This safe, natural progesterone cream you simply dab on your wrist does everything estrogen does—and more. Women say they feel dramatically better—physically, mentally, and emotionally. It stimulates bone growth (women with the lowest bone densities enjoy the biggest improvements), thickens hair, restores flagging libidos, and stops vaginal dryness.
Getting older isn't easy if you're a woman. But Mother Nature—and Dr. Mindell—want to help...
Calcium is essential, of course, to prevent bone loss. But just as important is the mineral on page 421 which enables your bones to absorb the calcium.
If your gynecologist suggests this type of synthetic hormone, find yourself a new gynecologist. The side effects are severe, and there's a far better alternative on page 409.
Dangers of birth control pills that you probably won't hear from your doctor. Page 403
Outdated, but still-prescribed drug for osteoporosis causes cancer in animals—even in doses much smaller than you would get. Page 426
There are only 2 times you should even consider taking estrogen—but only in small amounts and only in the manner described on page 413.
It worked too well and had to be suppressed...The "Forbidden" Cure for Depression
Unfairly banned and taken off the shelves, here's how you can legally benefit from this proven, "better than Prozac" emotional healing cure...
The amino acid tryptophan has been called "Nature's Prozac." But it's actually better—more effective, less expensive, and with none of the side effects or withdrawal problems.
Unfortunately, its superiority led to its downfall. A few years ago, to protect the big drug companies' profits, it was banned by the FDA on the pretext of a single contaminated batch from Japan. (The FDA, however, still allowed it in baby formulas and nutritional powders for the elderly. What does that tell you about their real concerns?)
But depression is too serious a problem for Dr. Mindell to let a bunch of bureaucrats stand between you and a cure. So, in PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES, he tells you how to get around the red tape and buy tryptophan perfectly legally.
In addition, he reveals a supplement you can get from any health food store that's just as good as tryptophan. In fact, this supplement is actually what your body converts tryptophan to just before it becomes the feel-good brain chemical serotonin.
From time to time, we all deal with "mental health" issues—from sleeplessness and anxiety to depression. Why not let Mother Nature lend a hand?
The likely "hidden trigger" behind your insomnia, anxiety, or minor depression. Easy to eliminate. Revealed on page 325.
Nature's natural sedative. Used for thousands of years. Safe and non-habit-forming. Page 330
How to be your own best psychotherapist. Page 331
How the Chinese cure anxiety without pills or therapy. Page 331
The "light cure" for depression. Page 337
How your thyroid can sabotage your emotional state. Easy fix on page 308.
Why a sleeping pill is the absolute worst thing you can do for insomnia. Pages 327-328
Tired? It may well be something you're eating that you shouldn't be. Find out on page 325.
A teaspoon a day of this powerful healing supplement can banish bipolar disorder, depression, and postpartum depression. Page 325
13 prescription drugs known to cause depression (including, ironically, antidepressants). Page 326
Jet lag and insomnia can be cured—thanks to a supplement with the exact same molecular structure as your body's own "put-you-to-sleep" hormone. Page 329
How lowering your cholesterol can cause depression. Page 325
Dr. Earl Mindell would like to ask you..."Are your prescriptions the safest and best ones for you? Is there a natural remedy that would be better and safer? Please let me help you find out!"
Simply click here for a free, send-no-money, no-obligation look at Bottom Line's PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES.
The next time you take a drug, wouldn't you love to know it's exactly right for you—the most effective one available—with the fewest possible side effects?
You can—with PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES by Dr. Earl Mindell.
For your health challenges, wouldn't it be great to also have the option of safe, less expensive natural remedies? (Many not only banish your symptoms, but fix the deeper, underlying cause of your problem as well.)
And wouldn't it be empowering if you were the one in control of your health and what goes into your body? (Otherwise, you are at the mercy of profit-minded drug companies and penny-pinching, one-size-fits-all health insurers.)
This is your opportunity to join the thousands who have used Dr. Mindell's knowledge and wisdom to solve their health problems. And they've done it without the bothersome or debilitating side effects less informed consumers must so often endure.
Now you can get that same advantage—simply click here for a free, no-obligation 30-DAY preview of PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES.
Here are just a few of the benefits you'll enjoy:
You'll be absolutely sure you're taking the very best drug for your specific problem.
You'll learn how to make sure the drugs you take are as effective as possible (there are so many ways drugs can lose their effectiveness).
You'll discover how to keep side effects and dangerous interactions to an absolute minimum.
You'll know about thousands of safer, less costly natural alternatives that can relieve your symptoms just as effectively—or better—than prescription drugs.
You will be able to lower your dosage in many cases (under your doctor's supervision, of course)—or avoid many drugs altogether.
You'll save a small fortune every year in drug and other health expenses.
You'll look and feel younger (good health will do that to you!).
Your sex life will improve. (Many drugs put a damper on nocturnal activities.)
You'll address the root causes of your health problems—not just the symptoms. That way you won't spend your life on an endless cycle of more and more drugs. You'll be able to cure relatively minor complaints. And you'll be able to reverse some of today's most dreaded diseases—from heart disease and arthritis to diabetes and depression.
You'll have the know-how and confidence to finally take control of your health.
You'll be a source of guidance and inspiration for friends and loved ones with health challenges.
Your prompt reply to this special offer is very important. That's why, if we hear from you within 10 days, you'll also receive 2 very special, brand-new reports.
The first, Save Up to 80% on Your Drugs, reveals the many different ways you can buy drugs for much less. It can save you hundreds of dollars a year—for every drug you're currently taking.
Your second report, Steer Clear of Drug Side Effects and Prescription Errors, is full of critical precautions that 99% of consumers don't know about buying and using prescription drugs.
Together, these 2 reports could save you a fortune—and your life. Click here. They're both yours to keep no matter what—even if you decide to return PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES.
This offer is as generous and risk-free as possible. Now it's up to you to take the next step. It's a small, potentially life-changing one, but there's no risk at all.
Click here for your free-preview copy of PRESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVES right now. See for yourself why millions turn to Dr. Earl Mindell for health-giving advice and natural alternatives.
P.S. Remember — No Money. No Obligation. No Risk. How Can You Lose? And the 2 eye-opening FREE reports are yours to keep no matter what!
The information covered in this Special Report is not intended as a substitute for personal medical advice. Before making any decision regarding your health, please consult a physician or other qualified health-care practitioner. 1 Gynecology and Endocrinology. 2 International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 3 Source: University of Pittsburgh, Jeffrey Walch and Bruce Rabin.

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