Friday 10 November 2006

The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet
The following is a "healthy food hot list" consisting of the 29 foods that will give you the biggest nutritional bang for you caloric buck, as well as decrease your risk for deadly illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Along with each description is a suggestion as to how to incorporate these power-foods into your diet.
01. Apricots

The Power: Beta-carotene, which helps prevent free-radical\ndamage and protect the eyes. The body also turns beta-carotene into vitamin A,\nwhich may help ward off some cancers, especially of the skin. One apricot has\n17 calories, 0 fat, 1 gram of fiber. Snacks on them dried, or if you prefer\nfresh, buy when still firm; once they soften, they lose nutrients.

02. Avocados

The Power: Oleic acid, an unsaturated fat that helps lower overall\ncholesterol and raise levels of HDL, plus a good dose of fiber. One slice has\n81 calories, 8 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber. Try a few slices instead of\nmayonnaise to dress up your next burger. \

n03. Raspberries

\nThe Power: Ellagic acid, which helps stall cancer-cell growth. These\nberries are also packed with vitamin C and are high in fiber, which helps\nprevent high cholesterol and heart disease. A cup has only 60 calories, 1 gram\nof fat and 8 grams of fiber. Top plain low-fat yogurt or oatmeal (another high\nfiber food) with fresh berries. \

n04. Mango
\The Power: A medium mango packs 57mg of vitamin C, almost\nyour whole-recommended daily dose. This antioxidant helps prevent arthritis and\nboosts wound healing and your immune system. Mangoes also boast more than 8,000\nIU of vitamin A (as beta-carotene). One mango has 135 calories, 1 gram of fat\nand 4 grams of fiber. Cut on up and serve it over leafy greens. Bonus: Your\nsalad will taste like dessert! ",1]

n05. Cantaloupe \
The Power: Vitamin C (117mg in half a melon, almost twice the\nrecommended daily dose) and beta-carotene - both powerful antioxidants that\nhelp protect cells from free-radical damage. Plus, half a melon has 853mg of\npotassium - almost twice as much as a banana, which helps lower blood pressure.\nHalf a melon has 97 calories, 1 gram of fat and 2 grams of fiber. Cut into\ncubes and freeze, then blend into an icy smoothie. \

n\n06. Cranberry
(Juice) \nThe Power: Helps fight bladder infections by preventing harmful\nbacteria from growing. A cup has 144 calories, 0 grams of fat and 0 fiber. Buy\n100 percent juice concentrate and use it to spice up your daily H20 without\nadding sugar.

\n\n07. Tomato \
nThe Power: Lycopene, one of the strongest carotenoids, acts\nas an antioxidant. Research shows that tomatoes may cut the risk of bladder, stomach and colon cancers in half if eaten daily. A tomato has 26 calories, 0\nFATt and 1 gram of fiber. Drizzle fresh slices with olive oil, because lycopene\nis best absorbed when eaten with a little fat.

\n\n08. Raisins
The Power: These little gems are a great source of iron,\nwhich helps the blood transport oxygen and which many women are short on. A\nhalf-cup has 218 calories, 0 fat and 3 grams of fiber. Sprinkle raisins on your\nmorning oatmeal or bran cereal - women, consider this especially during your\nperiod. ",1]

n09. Figs
The Power: A good source of potassium and fiber, figs also\ncontain vitamin B6, which is responsible for producing mood-boosting serotonin,\nlowering cholesterol and preventing water retention. The Pill depletes B6, so\nif you use this method of birth control, make sure to get extra B6 in your\ndiet. One fig has 37 to 48 calories, 0 fat and 2 grams of fiber. (Cookie lovers\n- fig bars have around 56 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1 gram of fiber per\ncookie). Fresh figs are delicious simmered alongside a pork tenderloin and the\ndried variety make a great portable gym snack.

\n10. Lemons/Limes
\nThe Power: Limonene, furocoumarins and vitamin C, all of\nwhich help prevent cancer. A wedge has 2 calories, 0 fat and 0 fiber. Buy a few\nof each and squeeze over salads, fish, beans and vegetables for fat free\nflavor. \n\n\n\nVEGETABLES
\n\n11. Onions
\nThe Power: Quercetin is one of the most powerful flavonoids\n(natural plant antioxidants). Studies show it helps protect against cancer. A\ncup (chopped) has 61 calories, 0 fat and 3 grams of fiber. Chop onions for the\nmaximum phyto-nutrient boost, or if you hate to cry, roast them with a little\nolive oil and serve with rice or other vegetables. ",1]

\n\n12. Artichokes \
nThe Power: These odd-looking vegetables contain silymarin, an\nantioxidant that helps prevent skin cancer, plus fiber to help control\ncholesterol. One medium artichoke has 60 calories, 0 fat and 7 grams of fiber.\nSteam over boiling water for 30 to 40 minutes. Squeeze lemon juice on top, then\npluck the leaves off with your fingers and use your teeth to scrape off the\nrich-tasting skin. When you get to the heart, you have found the best part! \
n\n13. Ginger \n
The Power: Gingerols may help reduce queasiness; other\ncompounds may help ward off migraines and arthritis pain by blocking\ninflammation-causing prostaglandins. A teaspoon of fresh gingerroot has only 1\ncalorie, 0 fat and 0 fiber. Peel the tough brown skin and slice or grate into a\nstir-fry.
\n\n14. Broccoli \
nThe Power: Indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, which help\nprotect against breast cancer. Broccoli also has lots of vitamin C and\nbeta-carotene. One cup (chopped) has 25 calories, 0 fat and 3 grams of fiber.\nDon\'t overcook broccoli - instead, microwave or steam lightly to preserve\nphytonutrients. Squeeze fresh lemon on top for a zesty and taste, added\nnutrients and some vitamin C. \n\n15. Spinach ",1]
C. 15. Spinach
\nThe Power: Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help fend off\nmacular degeneration, a major cause of blindness in older people. Plus, studies\nshow this green fountain of youth may help reverse some signs of aging. One cup\nhas 7 calories, 0 fat and 1 gram of fiber. Add raw leaves to a salad or saut�\nwith a little olive oil and garlic.
\n\n16. Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage) \
nThe Power: Brassinin, which some research suggests may help prevent\nbreast tumors, plus indoles and isothiocyanates, which lower levels of\nestrogen, make this vegetable a double-barreled weapon against breast cancer. A\ncup will also give you 158mg of calcium (16 percent of your daily recommended\nrequirement) to help beat osteoporosis. A cup (cooked) has 20 calories, 0 fat\nand 3 grams of fiber. Find it in your grocer\'s produce section or an Asian\nmarket. Slice the greens and juicy white stalks, then saut� like spinach or\ntoss into a stir-fry just before serving.

17. Squash (Butternut, Pumpkin, Acorn) \
The Power: Winter squash has huge amounts of vitamin C and\nbeta-carotene, which may help protect against endometrial cancer. One cup\n(cooked) has 80 calories, 1 gram of fat and 6 grams of fiber. Cut on in half,\nscoop out the seeds and bake or microwave until soft, then dust with cinnamon.

\n\n18. Watercress and Arugula ",1]

The Power: Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help fend off macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness in older people. Plus, studies show this green fountain of youth may help reverse some signs of aging. One cup has 7 calories, 0 fat and 1 gram of fiber. Add raw leaves to a salad or saut� with a little olive oil and garlic.
n20. Quinoa \nThe Power: A half cup of cooked\nquinoa has 5 grams of protein, more than any other grain, plus iron, riboflavin\nand magnesium. A half-cup has 318 calories, 5 grams of fat and 5 grams of\nfiber. Add to soup for a protein boost. Rinse first, or it will taste bitter. ",1]

\n\n21. Wheat Germ \nThe Power: A tablespoon gives you about 7 percent of your\ndaily magnesium, which helps prevent muscle cramps; it is also a good source of\nvitamin E. One tablespoon has 27 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1 gram of fiber.\nSprinkle some over yogurt, fruit or cereal. \
n\n22. Lentils \nThe Power: Isoflavones, which may inhibit estrogen-promoted\nbreast cancers, plus fiber for heart health and an impressive 9 grams of\nprotein per half cup. A half-cup (cooked) has 115 calories, 0 fat and 8 grams\nof fiber. Isoflavones hold up through processing, so buy lentils canned, dried\nor already in soup. Take them to work, and you will have a protein packed\nlunch.
\n\n23. Peanuts \nThe Power: Studies show that peanuts or other nuts (which\ncontain mostly unsaturated "good" fat) can lower your heart-disease\nrisk by over 20 percent. One ounce has 166 calories, 14 grams of fat and 2\ngrams of fiber. Keep a packet in your briefcase, gym bag or purse for a\nprotein-packed post-workout nosh or an afternoon pick me up that will satisfy\nyou until supper, or chop a few into a stir-fry for a Thai accent.

\n\n24. Pinto Beans \nThe Power: A half cup has more than 25 percent of your daily\nrequirement of folate, which helps protect against heart disease and reduces\nthe risk of birth defects. A half-cup (canned) has 103 calories, 1 gram of fat\nand 6 grams of fiber. Drain a can, rinse and toss into a pot of vegetarian\nchili. ",1]
25.Low fat Yogurt The Power: Bacteria in active-culture yogurt helps prevent yeast infections; calcium strengthens bones. A cup has 155 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0 grams of fiber. Get the plain kind and mix in your own fruit to keep calories and sugar down. If you are lactose intolerant, never fear - yogurt should not bother your tummy.
26. Skim Milk The Power: Riboflavin (a.k.a. vitamin B2) is important for good vision and along with vitamin A might help improve eczema and allergies. Plus, you get calcium and vitamin D, too. One cup has 86 calories, 0 fat and 0 fiber. If you are used to high fat milk, don't go cold turkey; instead, mix the two together at first. Trust this fact: In a week or two you won't miss it! SEAFOOD
27. Shellfish (Clams, Mussels) The Power: Vitamin B12 to support nerve and brain function, plus iron and hard-to-get minerals like magnesium and potassium. Three ounces has 126 to 146 calories, 2 to 4 grams of fat and 0 fiber. Try a bowl of tomato-based (and low fat) Manhattan clam chowder.
27. Shellfish (Clams, Mussels) The Power: Vitamin B12 to support nerve and brain function, plus iron and hard-to-get minerals like magnesium and potassium. Three ounces has 126 to 146 calories, 2 to 4 grams of fat and 0 fiber. Try a bowl of tomato-based (and low fat) Manhattan clam chowder.
28. Salmon
\nThe Power: Cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are\nthe best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of cardiac\ndisease. A 3-ounce portion (cooked) has 127 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0 fiber.\nBrush fillets with ginger-soy marinade and grill or broil until fish flakes\neasily with a fork.
\n\n29. Crab \nThe Power: A great source of vitamin B12 and\nimmunity-boosting zinc. A 3-ounce portion has 84 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0\nfiber. The "crab" in sushi is usually made from fish; buy it canned\ninstead and make your own crab cakes.

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