Tuesday, 25 December 2012


Acid reflux, also called heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), happens when stomach acid rises into the esophagus due to a weakened esophageal sphincter, according to doctors at the Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology clinic. Chest discomfort, a burning sensation in your upper stomach or lower throat and occasionally a bad taste in your mouth characterize the disease. If you're tired of buying a new pack of antacids every day, perhaps a diet change can do the trick.

Complex Carbs
Eat breads and grains that are low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates, recommends Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology. Try to avoid heavily processed breads that are high in fat and low in nutrition. Writers at Health Castle recommend eating multiple small meals every day instead of large meals since a large meal on your stomach requires additional stomach acids. Make sure you eat plenty of rice, pasta and breads. These help ensure that the acids in your stomach have complex foods to break down.

Avoid processed fruits and vegetables or foods that have a high citric acid content, according to Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology. Its doctors recommend eating apples, bananas and other fresh fruit. Apples are high in complex carbohydrates, and researchers at HealthCave.com say that they contain chemicals that help strengthen the sphincter muscle that causes acid reflux. Bananas are natural antacids, according to the website. Another helpful tip is to take 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water daily. Researchers at HealthCave.com say the solution helps prevent acid buildup.

Dairy Products
Milk, cheese and other dairy products are naturally high in calcium, a natural inhibitor of stomach acid, according to HealthCave.com.Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology notes that you should choose skim or other low-fat dairy products because foods that contain high fat content will remain in your stomach for a longer period than low-fat foods. You should also avoid eating at fast food chains, since many of the products found in fast food restaurants are high in fat content.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Pass the Banana 

A professor at CCNY for a physiological psych class told his class about bananas.
He said the expression 'going bananas' is from the effects of bananas on the brain. Read on:


Never, put your banana in the refrigerator!!! 

This is interesting. 
After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber.
A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout.
No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit.

 It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions,
making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression,
many felt much better after eating a banana.
This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin,
known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. 

 Forget the pills - eat a banana.
The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. 

Anemia :
 High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin
in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia. 

Blood Pressure:
 This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium
yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure.
So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed
the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability
to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school (  England  ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. 

 High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives. 

 One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey.. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. 
 Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. 

Mosquito bites:
 Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation. 

 Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.
Overweight and at work? Studies at the  Institute  of Psychology  in  Austria  found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

 The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. 

Temperature control:
 Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. InThailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood Enhancer tryptophan. 

Smoking &Tobacco Use:
 Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. 

 Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance.. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack. 

 According to research in The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%! 

 Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe it's time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A banana a day keeps the doctor away!' 

PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time! I will add one here; want a quick shine on our shoes?? Take the INSIDE of the banana skin, and rub directly on the shoe...polish with dry cloth.
  Amazing fruit!!!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Papaya leaves juice are a possible cure for dengue fever, a recent study revealed.

It has been reported that many people consume papaya leaves or pegaga juice to increase their platelet count after they contract dengue fever.

A recent study, conducted by a group of researchers from local and foreign universities, indicated that the powder from papaya leaves has substances responsible for the release and/or production of thrombocytes (platelets).

The study was initiated and led by Dr S. Kathiresan of AIMST University. Dr Kathiresan said the leaves of papaya fruit were high in complex vitamins that might help bone marrow to rapidly increase blood platelet production.

“The dengue virus’ main effect is on platelet production. Nor­mally, a platelet in our body lasts for about five to 10 days and the body replenishes them when required,”

“This virus destroys the body’s capacity to produce new platelets (during the period the virus is effective). The platelet count for a normal person varies from 150,000 to 250,000 per micro litre of blood. On becoming infected, a patient’s platelet count starts falling.

“A platelet count below 100,000 per microlitre is alarming – immediate medical attention is required. A platelet count below 50,000 can be fatal,” he added.

A fall in the platelet count prevents formation of clots and this leads to haemorrhaging, which results in both internal and external bleeding.

How should Take~

Accordingly it is raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf.. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like that.



Thursday, 13 September 2012

Lady Finger for Diabetes

Lady Finger for Diabetes ( OKRA ).........!

Take two pieces of Lady Finger and remove/cut both ends of each Piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room tempera
ture during night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady Finger from the glass and drink that water.
Keep doing it on daily basis. Within two weeks, you will see remarkable results in reduction of your SUGAR.

Please. try it as it will not do you any harm even if it does not do much good to you, but U have to keep taking it for a few months before U see results, as most cases might be chronic.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem !!!

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem !!!
Just try it if you've got uric acid after all no harm done.
This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary green tea, my cousin-brother tried and found it very effective.
I have also shared with a friend with gout to try this (his "toe joints" started to deform), after a week of drinking this formula there is significant improvement, and 
after two weeks the toe joints heal and revert to normal state.
It is almost three years now, the joint pain is gone, but he maintains the intake between 1-3 times monthly to avoid relapse.
Other friends suffering from years of gout problem have also recovered.
It is good for all, even those without gout.
Good formula! Do share with the people in need!
An improved sequence by Professor Lai from the China School of Pharmacy :
Cut green papaya into small cubes, place into the water, bring to boil, then add tea leaves, similar to the tea-making process.
Clinical tests show that this brings better effects for treatment of gout, subject to frequent drinking of this formula.
Mr. Liu Qing, Chief of the Rende Town in Tainan, was suffering for years from severe stomach pain around the posterior wall of stomach.
He used green papaya as a tea pot to prepare the family tea daily, after a month, his chronic disease condition was much improved.
His family members with high uric acid were also healed by the same papaya tea.
For this Mr. Liu planted a lot of papaya to share with relatives and friends with similar sickness.
According to Mr. Liu, in selecting the green papaya as tea pot, pick those the shape of which is fat and short, with larger capacity.
Cut off the top part of the papaya, clear away the seeds, open a small hole at the upper side wall to facilitate pouring of tea.
Create a small ventilation hole at top cover, put in the tea leaves, pour in boiling water, place the top cover back onto the papaya, you may also use the toothpicks to secure the top cover.
Similar to normal process of preparing tea.
Liu like to use Oolong tea as the taste is good.
He was pleasantly surprised that the stomach pains he suffered for many years was healed after a month of drinking tea from the green papaya pot, without taking any other medication.
He passed some green papaya leaves to a friend who worked at a Medical Center to test and analyse the content.
The tests confirmed that the healthy enzyme present in papaya is beneficial to human health.
Now as papaya in Mr. Liu's orchard is yielding suitable size fruits, he would share the fruits with family and friends.
Xu Fuchang, an experienced papaya farmer, said green papaya means to unripe papaya, where the skin is still green in colour.
Generally, the papaya takes about four months to fully mature and ripen, but the healing effect would be lost after it is fully ripe.
Green papaya should be harvested when the papaya is approximately three months old, when the fruit is still firm, and the "papaya milk" contains high papaya enzyme and other healthy ingredients.
Not only the green papaya can be used in tea drinking, you may also cut them into cubes, and boil with the ribs, or even slicing the green papaya into fine long pieces and fried with garlic, very tasty, and no adverse effects on the human body.

Pomegranate: A Natural Pharmacy In A Single Fruit

Pomegranate: A Natural Pharmacy In A Single Fruit

Maybe its one of your favorite fruits .
(waste 2 mins to read this)

1.The fruit and juice are bursting with the most powerful antioxidants of any other fruit or juice!

2. The fruit and juice could lower your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
This fruit is safe and healthy for your heart!

3. The fruit and its juice may prevent a stroke!
4. It shines light into the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease!
5. It's natural sugars could also be something sweet and safe for diabetics!
6.It may help in the area of hot flashes, menopause and bone loss!
7. This juice is even important for strong teeth!
8. You can easily make delicious fresh-squeezed juice in your own kitchen!
9. The fruit and juice are delicious additions to all your recipes!
10. You’ll want to know more about how you can benefit from them when you find out the facts!

Did you know that they…
are one of the only fruits that may keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free if you eat them regularly?
Who doesn’t want to look younger and enjoy smooth beautiful skin, especially in the golden years? Everyone will think you’re ten years younger than you really are and you won’t have to worry about resorting to unsafe products for your skin.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Remèdes naturels contre le mal de dents

Le mal de dents est l’un de nos petits bobos les plus pénibles! Pour vous soulager en attendant de vous rendre chez le dentiste, essayez l’un des remèdes naturels présentés ici.

Remèdes naturels contre le mal de dents
Le mal de dents est souvent causé par une carie. Cette dernière résulte de l’action des bactéries présentes dans la bouche et qui se nourrissent de sucre et de féculents, aliments adhérant aux dents et aux gencives. Les bactéries produisent des acides qui endommagent les dents; si le dommage atteint un nerf, c’est la rage de dents assurée. Le mal de dents peut également résulter d’une obturation qui s’est détachée, d’une fissure dans une dent, d’un abcès (poche de pus sur le bord de la gencive) ou d’une sinusite. Toute infection touchant la racine causera inévitablement de la douleur. 

Quelle que soit son intensité, votre douleur sera de courte durée si vous consultez promptement un dentiste. Si vous ne pouvez obtenir un rendez-vous rapidement,demandez au pharmacien de vous recommander un gel antidouleur. Vous pouvez aussi prendre de l’aspirine ou de l’acétaminophène (Tylénol). Enfin, les quelques remèdes ou traitements suivants pourraient également vous soulager.

Remèdes naturels contre le mal de dents

  • Tamponnez la dent malade avec un peu d’huile essentielle de girofle. Cette essence possède de remarquables propriétés antibactériennes, en plus d’engourdir la douleur, d’où sa popularité de longue date pour soigner le mal de dents. Elle renferme de l’eugénol, substance qui agit comme anesthésique local. Au contact, elle pique légèrement, mais vous serez rapidement soulagée.
  • A défaut d’essence, vous pouvez utilisez des clous de girofle entiers. Mettez-en quelques-uns dans votre bouche, laissez-les se ramollir au contact de votre salive, écrasez-les délicatement entre vos molaires afin d’en libérer l’huile essentielle, et laissez agir sur la dent malade au moins une demi-heure.
  • Vous pouvez également préparer une pâte composée de gingembre en poudre et de piment de Cayenne. Mélangez ces ingrédients avec un peu d’eau, imbibez de cette pâte un petit tampon d’ouate que vous déposerez ensuite sur la dent douloureuse. (Évitez toutefois le contact avec la gencive, ce qui pourrait l’irriter.) Vous pouvez aussi utiliser chacune des épices individuellement : elles agissent toutes deux contre la douleur.
  • Rincez-vous la bouche avec une infusion de myrrhe. Cette plante astringente soulage l’inflammation, en plus de détruire les bactéries. Faites mijoter une cuillerée à thé de poudre de myrrhe dans deux tasses d’eau pendant 30 minutes. Passez et laissez refroidir. Diluez une cuillerée à thé de la solution dans une demi-tasse d’eau et, cinq ou six fois par jour, rincez-vous la bouche avec cette préparation.
  • En plus d’être agréable au goût, l’infusion de menthe poivrée engourdit la douleur. Infusez une cuillerée à thé de feuilles séchées dans une tasse d’eau bouillante pendant 20 minutes. Laissez refroidir, puis rincez en agitant l’infusion dans votre bouche avant de la recracher ou de l’avaler. Faites ce traitement autant de fois que nécessaire.
  • Pour détruire les bactéries et atténuer la douleur, rincez-vous la bouche avec unesolution d’eau oxygénée à 3%. Ce traitement pourrait vous soulager temporairement si votre mal de dents s’accompagne de fièvre et d’un mauvais goût dans la bouche (deux signes d’infection), mais comme tous les autres remèdes, il ne s’agit que d’une mesure provisoire en attendant de voir le dentiste et de soigner l’infection. Prenez garde à ne pas avaler la solution : recrachez-la et rincez-vous la bouche à quelques reprises avec de l’eau plate.
  • Diluez une cuillerée à thé de sel dans un verre d’eau tiède et rincez-vous la bouche pendant 30 secondes avec cette solution avant de la recracher. L’eau salée agit comme désinfectant sur la région de la dent malade et fait sortir une partie du liquide qui cause l’enflure. Refaites le traitement aussi souvent que nécessaire.
  • Pour engourdir le nerf atteint, enfermez un glaçon dans une pellicule de plastique que vous envelopperez dans un linge peu épais, et appliquez sur la dent malade une quinzaine de minutes. Vous pouvez aussi appliquer le glaçon sur votre joue à l’endroit de la douleur.
  • Ou encore, appliquez sur la dent malade un sachet de thé détrempé. Les tannins astringents du thé noir pourraient contribuer à soulager l’enflure et la douleur.
  • Utilisez un dentifrice pour dents sensibles. Ce genre de produit est particulièrement efficace pour les personnes dont les gencives se rétractent; il soulage la douleur causée par le contact d’aliments chauds ou froids avec la racine. La récession des gencives a pour effet d’exposer la dentine, partie de la dent se trouvant sous l’émail et qui est particulièrement sensible.
  • Utilisez une brosse à soies souples; vous contribuerez ainsi à préserver le tissu de vos gencives et à freiner le processus de récession.
  • Si votre mal est causé par une dent cassée ou une obturation qui s’est détachée, vous pourrez soulager partiellement la douleur en recouvrant la partie exposée de gomme à mâcher préalablement ramollie. Cette méthode fonctionnera aussi pour une obturation qui est sur le point de tomber: la gomme la retiendra jusqu’à votre prochain rendez-vous chez le dentiste. D’ici à ce qu’elle soit réparée, abstenez-vous d’utiliser la dent malade pour mastiquer.
  • En libérant des endorphines, hormones du bien-être, l’accupression peut parfois soulager rapidement la douleur : avec le pouce, appuyez sur le point situé à la base du pouce et de l’index de votre autre main. Maintenez la pression pendant deux minutes. (Cet exercice ne doit pas être pratiqué par les femmes enceintes.)

En conclusion

Quel que soit le moyen que vous preniez pour vous soulager, consultez votre dentiste le plus rapidement possible. Ces remèdes peuvent vous apporter un soulagement temporaire mais votre dentiste doit pouvoir identifier la cause de votre mal de dents. Il y a de fortes chances que vous ayez besoin d’un traitement. Si vous ne le prenez pas, le problème s’aggravera inévitablement.


Salut à vous, voilou je viens d'essayer un nouveau médicament pour maux de dents et il est trop efficace.

La formule ne change pas, c'est toujours de l'ibuprofène à 200mg, mais c'est le mode d'administration qui change :)

Il se présente en tant que " comprimé orodispersible sans eau " (tu le laisse fondre dans la bouche à l'endroit où la dent est sensible, en attendant d'aller chez le dentiste bien sûr...)

Du coup tu compte trente secondes et t'as plus mal !!!! j'ai halluciné tellement c'est efficace comme traitement d'appoint ! Chapeau les labos

Friday, 1 June 2012

There are several places you can massage your own hands. Massaging your hands are great ways to relieve stress, tension, and even a headache. By using the pressure point chart below you can relieve a lot of the pressures from the locations associated with their points located below – press, pull, rub, and squeeze these points to aid in symptoms like nausea, anxiety, stress, even breathing.

Thursday, 16 February 2012



Diabète : un nouveau médicament
Un nouveau médicament vient d’être approuvé par l’Agence européenne du Médicament. Son efficacité dans le traitement du diabète a été démontrée mais ce médicamentpossède un autre point fort, il n’est pas métabolisé par les reins, modérant ainsi le risque d’insuffisance rénale

Les troubles rénaux, une complication du diabète

Les troubles rénaux font partie des complications que risquent lesdiabétiques. En effet, un mauvais contrôle du diabète, soit une glycémie mal régulée, peut à long terme avoir de sérieuses conséquences sur l’organisme et particulièrement sur certains organes, dont les reins.

Un nouveau médicament qui épargne les reins

Or les reins sont des organes vitaux qui jouent un rôle de filtre. Même lesmédicaments antidiabétiques sont amenés à être métabolisés au niveau desreins, passage obligé qui peut encore fragiliser les reins.
D’où l’intérêt de ce nouveau médicament qui vient d’être approuvé par l’Agence européenne du médicament. Il s’agit du Tragenta® ou linagliptine. Efficace et bien toléré, il a aussi l’avantage ne pas être métabolisé par les reinsmais dans l’intestin. Ainsi, il n’endommage pas les reins et peut être prescrit à des patients diabétiques atteints d’insuffisance rénale, l’une des gravescomplications du diabète.
Selon les principaux résultats présentés à Lisbonne lors du congrès de l’European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), la linagliptine (un inhibiteur du DPP-4, pour les connaisseurs) a été testée cliniquement chez 5.000 patients diabétiques. Après 24 semaines de traitement à raison d’une prise unique par jour, une réduction importante du taux d’hémoglobine glyquée, reflet de la glycémie sur 3 mois, a été obtenue. Cet effet est aussi durable dans le temps, puisqu’il s’est maintenu durant deux ans.
Enfin, du côté des reins, le traitement n’a pas détérioré la fonction rénale, y compris chez les patients qui souffraient d’insuffisance rénale sévère.
Soulignons enfin la facilité de ce traitement antidiabétique qui ne requiert qu’une prise unique par jour…
Article publié par  le 21/10/2011 - 11:03
Sources : 47e congrès de l’European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 12 au 16 septembre 2011, Lisbonne, intervention des laboratoires Boehringer Ingelheim et Eli Lilly. 
Cet article fait partie du dossier Diabète, quoi de neuf ?

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Top 12 Superfood Herbs and Spices
Many herbs and spices fall within the category of powerful anti-inflammatory superfoods because they are rich in phytochemicals. Researchers from the University of Michigan have found, for example, that holy basil has anti-inflammatory activity compared to ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin. Why are anti-inflammatory foods important for good health? Because inflammation is suspected to play a key role in heart disease, cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, allergies, and more.
Why not sprinkle some of these powerful healing herbs and spices on your foods? Here are the top 12 anti-inflammatory herbs and spices.
Black Pepper
Herbs work on inflammation in a multi-faceted holistic and balanced way without the side effects of drugs.

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