Saturday, 13 December 2008

How Many of These Deadly Fairy Tales
Do You (and Your Doctor) Still Believe?

CAUTION: Ignorance may be
very hazardous to your health

Why has the number of heart attacks increased by 27 percent over the past 20 years? What's going on here?

Don't we know more about how to prevent heart attacks than ever?

Haven't we been swallowing our statins, lowering our cholesterol, and eating fat-free foods?

Could we be mistaken about some things?

Dr. Michael Mogadam certainly thinks we are. His research -- proven by his amazing success with even high-risk patients -- is turning conventional wisdom about heart health upside down.

Word is getting out. But the medical community is slow to change.

That's why, if avoiding a heart attack or stroke is important to you, I want you to be among the first to know...

The 10 Biggest and Deadliest Heart Myths

Myth #1 -- Heart disease and heart attacks are an inevitable part of aging.

Myth #2 -- Cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease and heart attacks.

Myth #3 -- Blood pressure drugs help you avoid heart problems and live longer.

Myth #4 -- Aggressive, "type A" behavior increases your risk of a heart attack.

Myth #5 -- Low-fat, low cholesterol diets are good for you and your heart.

Myth #6 -- Any exercise is always good for your heart.

Myth #7 -- There are two kinds of cholesterol: Good and bad.

Myth #8 -- You should eat less salt.

Myth #9 -- You should lose weight if you're "overweight."

Myth #10 -- There's no way to absolutely, positively avoid a heart attack.

If you believe any of these outdated fairy tales, this Special Report will be a real eyeopener. And possibly a real lifesaver.

Because the truth is...

Truth #1 -- Your risk of a heart attack does NOT have to increase as you age. (In fact, keep reading and you'll learn how to completely eliminate it!)

Truth #2 -- Most people who die of heart disease have low or normal cholesterol levels. Focus on cholesterol and you can easily overlook much more important risk factors.

Truth #3 -- Blood pressure drugs usually don't help you live longer or lower your heart attack risk (unless you follow the advice in this Special Report).

Truth #4 -- Being an aggressive, "type A" personality is perfectly harmless to your heart. But certain overlooked emotions do skyrocket your risk.

Truth #5 -- Low-fat, low cholesterol diets are even worse than useless (and so depressing). They can actually harm you. (We'll tell you how.)

Truth #6 -- Strenuous exercise can actually increase your risk of heart disease by 10,000 percent.

Truth #7 -- There's good, good cholesterol and bad, good cholesterol. Likewise, there's bad cholesterol and REALLY bad cholesterol. (Many die because they don't know this information.)

Truth #8 -- Only some people benefit from eating less salt. Eating too little salt can actually be harmful.

Truth #9 -- Likewise, only some people considered "overweight" really need to lose weight for their heart health. It depends on one factor.

Truth #10 -- You can absolutely, positively eliminate any risk of a heart attack for yourself and those you love -- thanks to the groundbreaking work of Dr. Mogadam that's revealed in the pages that follow.

In fact, what Dr. Mogadam has discovered is so revolutionary that this usually modest doctor now unequivocally claims: "Every heart attack is now preventable."

What qualifies Dr. Mogadam to make such a bold claim?

Dr. Mogadam doesn't just theorize about heart health. He proves the risk-canceling power of his revolutionary ideas day in and day out in his medical practice outside Washington, D.C. The dramatic results, especially among patients labeled "high risk" by other doctors, have been extraordinary.

He publishes his groundbreaking findings in leading medical journals. His research has withstood the intense scrutiny of his peers -- collecting numerous awards for exposing outdated medical ideas and showing what should be done instead.

And he's been asked to pass on his discoveries to the next generation of doctors as a clinical associate professor of medicine at the renowned George Washington University School of Medicine.

Cut Your Risk of a Fatal Heart Attack
in Half Right Now!

Get yourself a glass of water.


Go ahead. I'll wait.

Now drink it.

Congratulations! You're on your way to cutting your heart attack risk by up to 51 percent.

In a huge, 6-year study of 34,000 participants, shocked researchers found that men who drank 5 or more glasses of water daily had up to 51 percent fewer fatal heart attacks than those who drank less than 2 glasses.

Women water-drinkers had up to 35 percent fewer.

Water seems to dilute your blood a bit and makes it less prone to a clot, which can trigger a deadly heart attack.

And the calcium and magnesium in the water don't seem to hurt either.

Now... care for a refill on that water?

Of course, Dr. Mogadam isn't satisfied with a mere 51 percent or 35 percent reduction in your risk.

Keep reading and discover how you can further reduce your risk of a heart attack.

Get Your FREE-Preview Copy:

Everything you've just read about, and much more, is fully described in Dr. Mogadam's comprehensive and groundbreaking new guide: Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

That's where you'll find the facts that will keep you (and your loved ones) free from heart attacks for the rest of your long, healthy life.

But send no money. Simply click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

The Great Cholesterol Conspiracy

What the drug company fat cats and "cholesterol-free"
food peddlers don't want you to know

For 30 years, the health and medical communities have promoted the following flawed and outdated myth:

Elevated blood cholesterol is the principal cause of heart disease and heart attacks.

"Balderdash!" says Dr. Mogadam.

Fact is, most heart attack victims have low to moderate levels of cholesterol -- as low as 180!

How many, he asks, have died because physicians focused on cholesterol and ignored other risk factors?

Yes, in some cases, lowering your cholesterol can lower your risk of a heart attack.

But you'll never completely eliminate your risk of being struck down by a heart attack by focusing on cholesterol.

And by concentrating on cholesterol you may be ignoring what's really putting you at risk.

Unfortunately, drug companies and makers of cholesterol-free foods make billions of dollars from the myth that low cholesterol will save you from a heart attack.

That's why good, objective advice on the subject (the kind you'll find in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART) is hard to come by.

How to Reverse Plaque Buildup

For example, lowering your levels of "bad cholesterol" (LDL) can stop the progression of heart disease.

But it won't reverse the deadly buildup of plaque in your arteries.

Fortunately, in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll find two different ways to literally clear plaque from your arteries (without a scalpel!) -- on pages 43 and 53.

In addition, in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll discover...

  • How to trick your liver into removing cholesterol from your bloodstream. Page 110
  • The real scoop on oats and cholesterol. Oats can lower your cholesterol. But by how much, and how much would you have to eat? Surprising answers on page 63.
  • If your doctor says these 3 words about your cholesterol... just say "no." Or find another doctor. Page 51
  • The 2-cent remedy that works just as well as expensive cholesterol-lowering drugs. See page 98.

Meet the Doctor Who Can Foil Your
Coming Heart Attack

When Washington, D.C.'s movers and shakers find themselves at high risk for a heart attack...

... they quickly make an appointment with Dr. Michael Mogadam.

Because he's more than just a medical doctor and clinical associate professor of medicine at the prestigious George Washington University.

He's won several awards for groundbreaking research -- research that has verified much more effective ways to avoid heart problems.

And he's used these new methods to successfully treat thousands of patients -- including top government officials, members of Congress, and foreign diplomats.

His Specialty: Defusing Ticking Time Bombs

Dr. Mogadam warns: "Most of the general public, and much of the medical community, are operating on information and recommendations that are dangerously out of date.

"While internists, cardiologists, and nutritionists mindlessly put heart patients on cholesterol-lowering drugs and low-fat diets, other sinister time bombs are ticking in our chests, largely ignored and liable to blow up with virtually no warning.

"Every heart attack is preventable," concludes Dr. Mogadam, "if we take off our blinders and pay attention to what the latest research shows."

Want to find out the truth and put this world-class healer's methods to work for yourself and your loved ones?

You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to travel to Washington and wait for Dr. Mogadam to work you into his packed schedule.

Just click here to get your FREE, just-released preview copy of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

Has Your "Good" Cholesterol Gone Bad?

Every day, doctors reassure patients that their high levels of good cholesterol (HDL) mean they have nothing to worry about.

But such thinking is dated, dangerous, and creates a false sense of security.

Good cholesterol (HDL) protects your heart because it's a powerful antioxidant. It keeps your bad cholesterol (LDL) from oxidizing and wreaking havoc on your arteries.

However, under certain circumstances, good HDL particles can go over to the dark side and cause oxidization.

Not only do they lose their effectiveness, they can actually speed up the oxidation of your LDL and trigger plaque and heart problems!

How can you tell if your good cholesterol has gone bad?

On page 44 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll read about a simple blood test that tells you -- and how to tell whether or not you need to be tested.

Plus, you'll discover...

  • When "bad" cholesterol (LDL) is much worse than it seems. If your doctor hasn't mentioned the size of your LDL particles, you must see page 50.
  • Delicious foods that boost your good cholesterol. Page 46
  • The type of food that actually robs your body of good cholesterol. Page 46
  • When exercise will raise your good cholesterol levels. And when it won't. Don't move a muscle until you see page 45.
  • A low-cholesterol diet can cause permanent damage to some people. See page 105 and see if you're one of them.

Simply click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

How Statin Drugs Can Trigger a Heart Attack

Statin drugs can be a waste of money. They can be a lifesaver. Or they can be a life-taker.

It all depends on what you know.

For example, on page 59, Dr. Mogadam reveals that if you suddenly stop taking a statin drug, you can actually trigger a heart attack.

Will Statins Lower Your Risk? Probably Not!

Drugmakers spend billions of dollars a year promoting statins -- by advertising directly to consumers and with an army of drug reps bearing gifts and free samples for doctors. No wonder...

But the brutal fact is that statins only lower the risk of a heart attack in 30 percent of those who take them.

Fortunately, on page 60 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART you'll find a simple chart that shows whether you (or a loved one) should be taking statins.

Plus, you'll learn...

  • Which statins lower cholesterol the most. See page 57.
  • A simple way to cut the cost of expensive statin drugs in half. Without generics or compromising on quality. Page 59
  • The truth about statin side effects. What are the needless worries? What are the valid concerns? Page 59
  • Why you should avoid generic statins. Page 62
  • If your doctor recommends a high-dose statin... you must read page 62!
  • How statins can reduce your risk of 7 types of cancers. Plus, how they help prevent bone loss, joint inflammation, and much more. Page 59

Who Needs Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART?

Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART is not one of those books that absurdly promises: "Take this herb and your heart problems will vanish by morning."

This is a serious, yet fascinating, easy-to-understand book that tells you exactly how you may totally eliminate any risk whatsoever of a deadly heart attack. (Plus dramatically improve your overall health and cut your risk of many other diseases as well.)

It's for anyone with existing heart problems such as coronary artery disease... anyone who has been told they're at risk because of high cholesterol or high blood pressure... and anyone who simply wants to avoid such problems in the future.

Could it be for you? It costs nothing to find out. Simply click here now.

Why Blood Pressure Drugs Won't Reduce Your Risk
of Heart Disease -- or Help You Live Longer!

Blood pressure drugs can do as much harm as good. But here's a surprising combination of drugs that's both safer and more effective than any individual one...

Your little 10-ounce heart pumps out 1.3 gallons of blood every minute of every hour of every day.

High blood pressure makes it work even harder.

That's why one of the quickest ways to reduce your risk of a heart attack...

... not to mention your risk of a stroke, aneurysm, vision damage, kidney failure, and much more...

... is to lower your blood pressure.

Easier said than done, right?

Not with what Dr. Mogadam shows you in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART!

But just as with statins, you need to be very careful with blood pressure drugs. Because there's a lot of misinformation out there.

For example, despite what most patients (and even their doctors!) think, blood pressure drugs do not lower by one iota your risk of a heart attack, a stroke, or the many other complications of high blood pressure.

No wonder studies show that patients who take blood pressure drugs such as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors don't live any longer than those who don't.

Do Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Diabetes?

The reason these drugs have no effect on longevity seems to be that although they lower blood pressure, they also increase insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.

They also raise your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. (Not good!)

And they can alter something called "platelet function" -- increasing your chances of a deadly blood clot (really not good!).

Betas Ain't Better!

Maybe that's why so many studies have shown that beta-blockers actually increase your risk of a stroke. Yet they're often the first line of treatment for high blood pressure.

What to do?

First, you should know the following important advice from page 86 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART:

The safest combination of blood pressure drugs seems to be a diuretic along with an ACE inhibitor.

This will reduce the thickening of the walls of tiny arteries, protect your kidneys, and improve the health of your heart muscle.

Then read on in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART and discover...

  • When "normal" blood pressure readings are abnormal. See page 84 for when you should be concerned.
  • Common vitamin lowers blood pressure 10 points! Also helps keep arteries wide open and inflammation-free. Page 136
  • Hidden high blood pressure. Goes up only at a certain time of day. Your doctor misses it and you wind up with a heart attack or stroke! Page 83
  • What you should never drink if you have high blood pressure. Page 166
  • Taking drugs for high blood pressure? You'll cut your risk of dementia in half if you tell your doctor about the research breakthrough on page 84.
  • Drinking just this much alcohol will raise your blood pressure. Latest findings on page 85.
  • Does your blood pressure read high "only" at the doctor's office? Many say that's not a cause for concern. We now know otherwise. See why on page 83.
  • The mineral that lowers your blood pressure. May be especially important if you're... (continued on page 145).
  • Lower your blood pressure -- with coffee! But only if you drink it as described on page 166.

See how easy it is to lower your blood pressure -- and slash your risk of a heart attack, stroke, and many other health problems?

Just send for your FREE 30-day preview of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART. Click here now.

How a Low-Fat Diet Can Actually
Harm Your Heart

Doctors recommend it. Patients believe in it.
But it triggers the very problems it's supposed to help avoid

When Dr. Mogadam told me about this, it really made me angry.

The diet most doctors recommend -- the diet most patients think will help avoid and reverse heart problems -- can do serious damage to your heart.

For 30 years, a low-fat diet has been the gold standard for anyone looking to avoid heart problems.

Doctors pushed it. Patients obediently followed it. (Or felt very guilty when they didn't.)

Studies Show No Connection Between
Fat and Heart Disease

However, to date, more than 1,000 studies have failed to support the idea that reducing dietary fat has any significant impact on preventing or treating coronary artery disease.

One problem is that a low-fat diet reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in only 1 out of 3 people. The other 2 don't benefit at all!

Of the lucky few whose cholesterol does go down, it only decreases by a relatively insignificant 7 percent to 10 percent.

And high cholesterol might not even be a significant risk factor for many of those people!

Jack Sprat Should Eat More Fat!

Worse than being ineffective (not to mention taking much of the joy out of eating), low-fat diets can actually be harmful!

Low-fat diets are usually high in carbohydrates, which send much-needed good cholesterol plummeting, and heart-harmful triglycerides soaring. (Doubly bad!)

Perhaps that's why a 20-year study of 832 men showed that a low-fat diet actually increased stroke risk by a frightening 50 percent.

So... Should You Forget About Fat Altogether?

No indeed!

In Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll learn that fats can be your key to avoiding, stopping, and even reversing heart problems.

Or they can hasten your health downfall. It all depends on what you know about the fats you eat.

For example...

  • Heart-healthy fats (yes, fats!) that raise your good cholesterol levels. Page 46
  • Can a single choice have deadly consequences? Eating too much of this common fat in one sitting can actually result in a sudden heart attack or stroke. Page 106
  • Fat switch cuts your risk of coronary artery disease by more than half. Just eat a little more of the type of fat on page 176. (From a recent 14-year study of 80,000 people.)
  • Type of fat that slashes your levels of good cholesterol. Careful: Your good cholesterol levels might be all that's standing between you and a heart attack. Page 46

Click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview now.

From the files of Michael Mogadam, M.D.

Fran's Aches and Pains Vanish, Too

Fran, 54, came to Dr. Mogadam with shockingly high cholesterol levels.

Total cholesterol: 308. Bad cholesterol (LDL): 214. Triglycerides: 330 -- almost 3 times greater than normal. Plus, her good cholesterol (HDL) was only 38. And she had too much dangerous abdominal fat.

After less than a year working with Dr. Mogadam, she had lost 17 pounds, and her triglycerides and cholesterol (both good and bad) were at optimal levels.

As an added bonus, she claims to have experienced far fewer aches and pains than in the past.

Good News About
Your Favorite "Forbidden" Foods!

One thing I love about Dr. Mogadam is that he really loves food.

That's why he doesn't expect you to sacrifice the foods you love for the health you desire.

Now you can have both: Good food and good health!

For example...

Could an After-Dinner Drink Save Your Life?

More than 100 long-term studies show that any type of alcohol can reduce your risk of coronary artery disease or stroke by up to 50 percent!

What's more, it can keep deadly blood clots from forming. That's why it's good to have a drink right after meals. Because that's when your blood has a tendency to clot.

But drink too much and you increase your risk of heart problems 3 times over.

So please, see page 168 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART for the exact "prescription" for healthy imbibing.

And check out the latest on these "forbidden" foods as well:

  • No red flag for red meat! It doesn't cause heart problems or cancer -- as long as you eat the kind described on page 180.
  • Enjoy 7 to 10 eggs a week -- guilt-free. Just follow the directions on page 182.
  • Love to eat out? Here's what to tell the waiter to be sure you'll avoid the hidden, unwanted fats. Page 185
  • Heart-healthiest sandwiches in fast-food restaurants. Revealed on page 185.

  • Two foods most people love -- yet mistakenly avoid as unhealthy. Page 105
  • Love big, juicy hamburgers? Here's the big secret behind making them moist and healthful. Page 180
  • Using margarine instead of butter? Better see page 105 if you care about your family's health!
  • Lifesaving chocolate? Cocoa keeps bad cholesterol from oxidizing and then damaging arteries. Plus, it's full of antioxidants and mood-boosters. Healthiest kind is on page 165.

Doctors Go Nuts

(And why you should join them... )

In a groundbreaking study, 22,071 physicians were carefully monitored for 11 years.

And many of them went nuts. Over nuts.

Researchers were pleasantly surprised to find that the docs who ate an ounce of nuts just a few times a week had much less cardiovascular disease.

What's more, the more nuts they ate, the more their risk fell.

Now you can get the full story in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, including...

  • The best nuts for your heart. Lowest in saturated fat. Richest in healthful monounsaturates. Page 157
  • Say "nuts" to these nuts. They contain the highest amounts of saturated fats and omega-6. Page 157

When Coffee Lowers Your Risk of a Heart Attack
(and When It Raises It)

If coffee gets you going in the morning...

... why not also use it to lower your blood pressure and help prevent heart disease?

A 15-year study of 27,312 participants demonstrated that drinking up to 3 cups of coffee a day showed a 24 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

But the benefits decrease as the amount of coffee you drink increases.

So limit yourself to 3 cups a day at most. (If your cup is supersized, be sure to take that into account!)

And here's more important news for caffeine lovers...

  • Unfortunately, coffee can raise your cholesterol levels. Unless... you brew it as described on page 165.

  • Why some people can drink as much coffee and other caffeinated drinks as they want -- with no ill effects. Pages 166-167
  • 3 things people commonly do to tea that destroy its health benefits. (One is to boil the water by microwaving it.) Pages 166-167

Click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

Why You Should Take Most of Your Vitamins,
Minerals, and Other Supplements and

With a few notable exceptions,
the supplements you're taking are worthless,
harmful, and not in the form that will do you any good

When I asked Dr. Mogadam what he has against vitamins, minerals, and supplements, he replied...

"Absolutely nothing."

But he hates how they're being misused, and how you're being misled about them.

And in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, he sets the record straight.

For example, most multivitamins and other supplements include only a very limited number of ingredients (versus how you would find these compounds in nature).

Worst of all, they're often in unbalanced quantities and of unknown quality.

Mother Nature Knows Best

Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, offer nutrients in perfect balance and perfect, just-as-nature-intended quality.

What's more, whereas a vitamin or supplement might have just a handful of nutrients, even the lowliest fruit or vegetable has hundreds.

And we just don't know exactly how they act in combination to make you healthier.

So taking a supplement of beta-carotene isn't nearly the same as eating a carrot, says Dr. Mogadam.

Not by a country mile.

That's why study after study has found a definite relationship between eating fruits and vegetables and lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease.

But studies haven't found a positive relationship between popping supplements and reducing cardiovascular disease.

Protect Your Heart and Fight Alzheimer's

Here's a great example of the power of vitamins in their natural state...

You've probably heard about vitamin E and heart disease. But did you know vitamin E can also slow down Alzheimer's?

Trouble is, only one form of vitamin E is powerful enough to do that. You guessed it: The vitamin E you get from foods (such as vegetable oils, nuts, and green leafy vegetables).

By the way, if you take vitamin E for your heart, be sure to take it with a meal. As you'll see on page 134 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, without some fat, you won't absorb it properly.

So Powerful, It's Given to Heart Attack Victims!

When doctors want to relax the arteries of someone having a heart attack -- thus reducing the risk of a life-threatening irregular heartbeat -- they give them a big dose of magnesium.

And studies show that people with the highest blood levels of magnesium have 25 percent to 50 percent less risk of developing coronary artery disease.

No wonder death from coronary artery disease is significantly lower among those who live in magnesium-rich hard-water areas.

But hold on... not everybody needs more magnesium!

On page 145 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll find the 3 telltale signs that magnesium supplements might be helpful for you.

Then go beyond the hype and see which vitamins, minerals, and herbs really can lower your heart attack risk even further...

  • If you're a woman, watch your levels of this protein. Everyone with high levels has a raised risk of dementia and osteoporosis, but the risk of cardiovascular problems doubles if you're a woman. Page 92
  • This multivitamin will cut your cancer risk by a third! But only if you're a... (continued on page 141)
  • Fight both cancer and heart disease! This mineral isn't just good for your heart. It may well be your best dietary cancer fighter. Page 139
  • Don't get taken by this marketing gimmick! The "coronary calcium scans" -- touted as lifesaving -- are close to useless. See page 140 for more information.
  • This powerful heart "drug"... is a vitamin! Raises good cholesterol, lowers a critical marker for heart attack risks, and makes bad cholesterol less harmful. Page 137
  • If you have diabetes or abdominal obesity... The vitamin on page 137 is particularly important for avoiding heart problems.
  • Too much of this mineral increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Pages 139-140
  • Turncoat vitamins! They can actually become oxidized and turn into dangerous free radicals. Page 135

The Herbal Hall of Shame

Seems like every day we read about some weed -- excuse me, I mean "herb" -- that will do wonders for your heart.

Not to mention the rest of your body.

Best of all, they say, they're natural -- so they must be safe and good for you.

Well, arsenic and poison ivy are natural -- yet hardly safe or good for you.

Most herbal products are just weak compounds without FDA scrutiny. The amount of "active ingredient" and potency vary from maker to maker -- even batch to batch. Many are contaminated with toxins.

Yet people waste billions of dollars on herbs that won't help them -- and can actually hurt them.

For example, here are Dr. Mogadam's 3 most over-hyped herbal underperformers...

  1. Ginseng -- One of the most overpromoted herbs for the heart. Little of what's sold is genuine ginseng. But the effects of even the good stuff are trivial or nonexistent. Avoid it like the plague if you take digitalis drugs.
  2. Hawthorn -- Popular 100 years ago for heart problems when there were no good drugs. Yet still touted today. Has some minor effects, but pales in comparison to safer, more effective medications.
  3. Evening Primrose -- The oil from the seeds of an American weed. Might have some trivial cardiovascular effects. But to get them you would have to take at least 10 capsules a day.

There is, however, one very beneficial herb Dr. Mogadam does recommend.

It can improve your thinking, memory and stress tolerance, reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke, and safely enhance the anticlotting effect of aspirin.

Find out all about it on page 160 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

Get Your FREE-Preview Copy:

Everything you've just read about, and much more, is fully described in Dr. Mogadam's comprehensive and groundbreaking new guide: Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

That's where you'll find the facts that will keep you (and your loved ones) free from heart attacks for the rest of your long, healthy life.

But send no money. Simply click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

How to Give Yourself an

Open up new, life-giving blood pathways without expensive drugs or painful surgery

When heart arteries get clogged, one solution is to "reroute" circulation.

Normally, that means an expensive, painful, and risky operation known as a heart bypass.

To get to your heart, the surgeon will have to crack some ribs.

But to avoid such a costly, painful, and risky operation and get new blood flow to your heart naturally -- you barely need to break a sweat.

That's right, I'm talking about exercise. (But less than you might think!)

Exercise triggers the growth of new life-giving circulation pathways to your heart -- just like a heart bypass operation.

What's more, it also opens up existing arteries in your heart. And in your brain! (More oxygen to your brain improves your thinking, your memory, and your mood.)

As Important As Any Heart Medication

No wonder many doctors say that, for people with any coronary artery disease whatsoever (and that's most older folks these days), regular exercise is just as important as any heart medication.

I wish I could tell you that you could cut your risk of a heart attack to absolutely zero without at least some exercise.

But I'd be misleading you. And frankly, there's way too much of that going on already.

But I'll promise you this: In Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, Dr. Mogadam tells you what you need to know to get the maximum benefit from exercise with the least amount of effort.

You'll discover exactly how exercise can help you. And how it might be hurting you.

For example...

  • Too many people confuse getting in shape with... (continued on page 38)
  • When exercise can actually increase your cholesterol level. Please don't make the mistake on page 38.
  • How to use exercise to cut your risk of a heart attack in half. Page 36
  • Best exercise machine for both maximum weight loss and health benefits. Page 40
  • The worst time of day to exercise. Exercising at this hour can actually give you heart disease. Page 40

If You Can Walk Around the Block,
You Can Add 4 Years to Your Life

You don't have to turn into Jack LaLanne to get the benefits of exercise.

You don't even have to break a sweat!

One study showed that just walking 5 days a week adds up to 4 years to your life -- largely because you put off getting heart disease.

In fact, regular exercise lowers your risk of dying of any disease by 56 percent -- that's more than half!

What's more, you'll look better, feel better, slash your risk of colon cancer in half, cut your risk of breast or prostate cancer, slow down your aging, and cut your risk of diabetes by a whopping 60 percent to 90 percent.

You'll even have better sex!

So what are you waiting for? Grab a friend or some headphones and go explore the neighborhood.

Click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

Overweight? Don't Worry About It! Unless...

Not all body fat is bad. One type is much more dangerous.
Here's how to tell if you've got it --
and how to get rid of it

Are you worrying about your weight needlessly?

These days, people are obsessed with being thin. Some actresses and models literally starve themselves to death!

But the truth is, your extra pounds might not matter!

Because when it comes to your health, the kind of fat that can really hurt you is around your middle -- your abdomen.

Abdominal fat is very different from the fat on your arms, chest, or hips. It's what many people call a "potbelly" or "beer belly."

Despite what the weight police may tell you, unless it's abdominal fat, an extra 10, 20 or even 30 pounds probably won't impact your health. Especially if you're over 50.

But even if your fat is abdominal, there's still good news.

The more you lose of it, the more you cut your risk of a deadly heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Plus, you can slash your risk of various cancers in half.

Conversely, keep that abdominal fat and you're walking around with more than double the risk you'd normally have.

In Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll learn the best ways to lose that dangerous abdominal fat.

What's more, you'll finally understand exactly why most of today's most popular diets simply don't work.

Instead, Dr. Mogadam gives you a simple scoring system for foods that lets you lose weight in the easiest, most convenient, heart-healthiest way possible.

PLUS, you'll lower your risk for many of today's most dreaded diseases -- while the pounds melt away.

Best of all, it's a plan that enables you to enjoy many of the foods you love -- and won't turn you into a "dietary monk."

Here's just some of what you'll discover...

  • How eating more (yes, more!) can actually help you lose weight (and keep you healthy). Page 188
  • How to avoid weight-loss bounce back! 9 out of 10 dieters gain back the weight they lose. But not you -- if you know the secret on pages 29-30.
  • Sneaky trick that's like eating 20 percent fewer calories. Because for every 100 calories of these very yummy foods you eat, 20 get burned up simply by digesting them. Page 29
  • Why a heavy person can gain weight eating the same amount of food as a thin person. And how to counteract this vicious cycle. Page 30
  • How people unknowingly turn a low-calorie food into a weight-loss nightmare. Page 29
  • Revolutionary new weight-loss procedure is now available in the U.S. Popular in Europe, it just takes a few small incisions. No cutting up the stomach or long hospital stay. Page 34
  • The type of food you must avoid if you want to lose weight. Gram for gram, it has almost 3 times more calories. (No, not sugar.) Page 29
  • The truth about today's most popular weight-loss drugs, herbs, and supplements. Which ones can really help you. Which ones can hurt you. Page 34
  • This much-touted "weight-loss" food is worthless. And it increases your risk of bladder cancer. Page 131

Click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

The Little-Known Risk Factor Behind Every
Clogged Artery and Heart Attack

Without inflammation, cardiologists would be out of business!

Because inflammation is what turns your bad cholesterol (LDL) into a time bomb of artery-clogging plaque.

That's why, if you have any sort of inflammation-related problem -- such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or even sinusitis -- you're 3 times more likely to form artery plaque.

In fact, any kind of inflammation anywhere in your body significantly raises your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

In Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you'll discover how the food you eat can throw either gasoline or water on the fires of inflammation.

And by avoiding the foods that fuel inflammation and eating those that fight it, you may cure your arthritis (or other inflammatory problems) while protecting yourself from a heart attack!

And you'll also discover...

  • A better test for inflammation. The C-reactive protein (CRP) test is commonly used to measure inflammation anywhere in your body. But now there's a test that specifically measures inflammation in your blood vessels. Ask for it at your next cholesterol screening. Page 81
  • The common drug that reduces inflammation in your heart -- and throughout your body. Page 81

How to Short-Circuit the Secret Emotional Trigger
That's Deadlier Than Smoking

Ever look at someone really driven and ambitious and think: "There goes a good candidate for a heart attack"?


For years, doctors thought that being a driven, "type A" personality raised your risk of coronary artery disease.

But new research shows it doesn't raise your risk at all.

What does raise your risk -- quite a bit, in fact -- are hostility and anger. New studies show they're deadlier than high cholesterol, being overweight, or even smoking.

One 9-year study says hostility raises your risk of dying of heart disease 3 times over!

What Can You Do?

Check out page 93 of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART. It's all about creating the emotional well-being that's so vital to your heart's good health.

Click here for your 30-day FREE-Preview copy (plus, your 3 FREE collections of Bottom Line's all-time best cures).

Pay Nothing. Get Everything.

Yours for the Asking: A FREE Preview Copy of

I hope you can see from the small sampling of advice in this Special Report...

... that Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART is the comprehensive owner's guide that no one with a heart should be without.

And the proof is in Dr. Mogadam's promise that every heart attack is preventable.

You deserve to experience the peace of mind that comes from completely eliminating the possibility of a heart attack... of slashing your risk of cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases... and of looking and feeling better than you ever have before.

It's all possible, right now, simply by following Dr. Mogadam's easy-to-use advice in Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

That's why I want to make you this very special offer...

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Discover how to neutralize your own unique combination of heart risk factors!

And enjoy the great health that goes along with that -- because at the same time you'll be revitalizing and healing your body in so many ways.

Bottom Line's All-Time Best Cures

I want to make sending for your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART absolutely irresistible.

That's why I'll also send you 3 very special FREE GIFTS.

They're 3 brand-new collections with the best cures we've ever published (and you can read all about them in the pages that follow):

  • Bottom Line's All-Time Best HEART CURES
  • Bottom Line's All-Time Best ARTHRITIS CURES
  • Bottom Line's All-Time Best CANCER CURES

Best of all, all 3 of them are yours absolutely FREE to keep, with no strings attached...

... just to thank you for taking a send-no-money, no-obligation look at Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART!

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Please also know that if you do decide to keep Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART, you're covered by a Lifetime Guarantee that lets you return it anytime... in 6 months, a year, or even 10 years.

I want no dissatisfied readers!

As you can see, you have nothing to lose. And so very much to gain.

Why not request this groundbreaking new book right now, while you're thinking of it?

I promise that it will change and extend your life -- and the lives of any friends or loved ones with whom you share this precious advice.

Yours for a healthy heart and a long and healthy life,

Martin Edelston, Publisher

P.S. You can read more about your 3 FREE GIFTS on the following pages. I know you're going to love them!

P.P.S. Remember: The "bottom line" for your heart's health is Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

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More ways to conquer cholesterol, lower blood
pressure, and clear clogged arteries!

This big 96-page collection is the ideal companion to Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART.

Because it features the very best heart cures we've ever published, including...

  • Lower your blood pressure -- by breathing differently.
  • Bypass that bypass! Alternatives include a new procedure that uses just a small incision.
  • The herb that could reduce artery plaque buildup.
  • The common bacteria that causes heart attacks.
  • Lifesaving "chill therapy." So effective, it can save you even if your heart has totally stopped.
  • Sleep cure for high blood pressure. (Just roll over if... )
  • Need a stent? Insist on this type or your arteries are 4 times more likely to narrow back up. (Requiring more surgery.)
  • Lower cholesterol with a specific type of grapefruit! But it must be this specific type.
  • Is your marriage hardening your arteries?
  • How your dentist can save you from heart problems.
  • 3 natural statins. Why put up with drug side effects?
  • Lower your blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, get rid of stress, and stop chronic pain. Without changing your diet, taking any pills, or exercising.
  • What to eat to keep your body from absorbing cholesterol.

AND MANY MORE! All yours FREE. Just click here right now!

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The most amazing -- and amazingly effective --
arthritis cures we've ever published!

Don't just live a longer, heart attack-free life.

Live a pain-free life as well, with our best arthritis cures:

  • Two herbs that work as well as Vioxx® and Motrin® without the negative side effects.
  • Therapeutic hand movements. Build strength, stop arthritis, and relieve pain.
  • 5 signs you may have arthritis (and 3 of them have nothing to do with joint pain!).
  • Big mistake many people with arthritis make. Doctors now say it makes you get worse instead of better.
  • Rub away your pain! Arthritis sufferers rubbed this leaf on aching joints. Worked so well, many threw away their drugs.
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Our best natural ways to prevent --
and even reverse -- deadly cancers.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.

But cancer isn't far behind.

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  • This mushroom activates your body's cancer-killing cells.
  • Best diet to prevent cancer -- or its recurrence. And it's delicious!
  • Herb improves survival rates and quality of life for breast cancer patients. Proven!
  • Newly improved prostate cancer treatment is far safer -- yet just as effective -- as surgery or radiation.
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  • The beans that keep cancer cells from reproducing. Proven against colon cancer.
  • The most powerful cancer-fighting berries, vegetables, spices, nuts and grains.
  • Food combos that fight cancer. For example, tomatoes do fight prostate cancer -- but not if you don't eat some fat with 'em.
  • New breakthroughs in preventing breast cancer if you're at high risk.
  • New and better PSA tests for men. Could save you from a painful prostate biopsy.
  • How talking improves cancer survival rates. Yale study proves it.

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"My proudest accomplishment is the thousands of patients -- many labeled by others as 'high risk' -- that I've helped become free from any chance of a deadly heart attack.

"Won't you allow me to do the same for you through the pages of Bottom Line's HEALTHY HEART?"

-- Michael Mogadam, M.D.

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